All Birthday Shows include a puppet related favor for each child plus a gift for the birthday child.
A plucky Princess rescues her Prince from a fierce dragon, in this story of second chances and following your heart. When the dragon want to change his ways, will anyone believe him?
30 minutes
A puppet magician and his bumbling but lovable assistant, Handy Andy, perform real magic tricks to ragtime music. Ideal for parties, fundraisers, and small rooms.
30 minutes
In the birthday party version of The Amazing Hoodunnit: the 30-minute show is followed by a demonstration of easy magical tricks that children can do. Each child receives the materials to do one trick, and instructions for other easy tricks that they can do.
Ages 5 and up
45 minutes
A magician, a talking tropical bird, and a rascally rabbit involve children in their comedy magic show.
Ages 3 and up
30 minutes
A boy goes all the way to the bottom of the sea to get his best friend the best birthday present in the world. He discovers a treasure there, and sea creatures having a party. Will he bring back the best present in the world, and what IS it?
35 minutes