3 famous fables - Pandora's Box, the Tortoise and the Hare, andThe Country Mouse and the City Mouse - are retold with a health food twist to help teach children about good nutrition. The show is followed by a game where children use clues to discover the best foods for breakfast, lunch and dinner
In this sequel to Fantastic Food Fables, the father discovers his son needs a refresher course in healthy food choices. This time there's Goldilocks, teaching the 3 Bears how to get their day off to a good start with something from each of the major food groups, and The 3 Little Pigs, who avoid being on the wolf's menu by a hair (from "their chinny chin chins!") thanks to one pig who "eats smart!"
30 Minutes
Mannerly Mansion has been robbed just days after the "Sure-Lock Homes Security Agency" installed an alarm system. Fox Mouldy and Danish Kelly are sent to investigate. Did the alarm system fail? Or was it the butler? Or the Legendary Mannerly Ghost? During the show, the elements of a mystery story are discussed, and audience members are given the chance to guess the solution. By the end, it is discovered that there is more than one secret within Mannerly Mansion, and one goes all the way back to the time of the Underground Railroad!
45 minutes
Father Time is worried about Mother Earth. He takes the audience on a trip through time, from the reign of the dinosaurs, to the days of the dodo, to a present-day gathering of worried, endangered animals. When a boy asks Father Time what he can do, he sends him a special helper to follow him throughout his day and remind him of the things he can do to help his Mother Earth. The title refers to Buckminster Fuller's vision of our earth as a self-contained spaceship where resources must be used wisely.
45 minutes